Twaddle & Twak

Rants, Raves and Everything Else!

A case of the “Blah”! April 19, 2009

Filed under: Uncategorized — natalian @ 8:01 am

I honestly thought that when I tried to post today my “WordPress Account” would flash up an error message. Something like … “Who are you?” “Your Account has been frozen” “Your Blog has left you for another…”  I am literally clawing back onto my keyboard and I have to ask myself why I have been so …. flat?  It is the case of the “Blah” – too much has been occupying my mental space which has seriously stifled any attempts to get creative and write!

It has been a busy time, I had a tiny skin cancer scare – “Out damned spot…” was a thought that came to mind!  So off  I went to a Dermotologist thinking he was just going to look at the spot on my back and give me the yey or the nay, instead I was told to strip down to my knickers!!!  I was a wee bit taken aback I must admit…

“It’s just a spot on my back!” I exclaimed.

“Well you are here now, lets just check you out as I can see by the texture of your skin you are a high risk candidate.”

Feeling very vulnerable lying under a magnifying glass in my undies, I was searched and relieved when he gave me the good news that every spot on my body was healthy!  Yay!  That was a load off my mind!  The bill that arrived a week later was not so pretty.  However health before wealth and so we focus on the positive things that lie before us!

This week  I have two major events to focus on: –

  • 22 April 2009 – Voting Day.  I must say following the election campaign has at times been depressing with ridiculous statements being made by all parties concerned…. I am not sure which movie it is from but I always hear the actor Jack Nicholson’s voice, “Little people, why can’t we all just get along?”  So on Wednesday I will be hitting the queues with my bar coded Identity Document and making my mark once again.  I also pray that all South Africans respect each others democratic right to vote and that the political violence that has sparked up here and there will be contained.


  • The next event will hopefully lift my spirits and cure me of the dreaded “Blah”!  I am going here: –



My annual trip to the Eastern Cape, Jeffrey’s Bay, South Africa.

There are may gems in South Africa, and shamefully there are many I still have not seen, but I love the coastline from Cape Town to Port Elizabeth.  My boys will be visiting their Grandmother and Great Grandmother.  Their Great Grandmother is known as “Ouma”, which is Afrikaans for grandmother, and she is already anticipating our arrival by baking our favourite ginger biscuits!  Hubby has spent many a childhood holiday in this amazing little town and it has found a special place in my heart.  As we take the third generation of our family to Jeffrey’s Bay we hope that it will also hold fond memories for them too!

So it is time to start packing  for my dear family, clothes for all seasons, SPF 40+ for all my spots and hopefully I can leave my “Blah” on the white sands of the Eastern Cape shores.


Hop Hop Hop!!! April 4, 2009

Filed under: family,Holiday,Motherhood,Parenting — natalian @ 6:29 pm
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Our schools have closed for the Easter Holidays but not before they filled our children’s little minds with hopping Easter Bunnies and chocolate eggs!  We have been sent home Easter masks, baskets and other arts and crafts just to ensure that the Easter spirit does not wane in our household!

Every night, for the past two weeks as I kissed my Eldest goodnight, he would try to engage me in another one of his sneaky schemes to ‘trick’ the Easter Bunny!  Every now and then he has a surge of excitement that tonight is the magical night when the Easter Bunny will make his appearance and we have to dash his hopes by informing him that the Easter Bunny is still very busy making chocolate eggs for the boys and girls of the world.

It was with this realisation that I, mother of the household aka Father Christmas and my current future role of Easter Bunny had to dash off to the shops to stock up on our Easter eggs, rather today than next Saturday!  So, as I type, my little secret stash of chocolate eggs is safely hidden away, the pressure is off!  Or is it?

My sons have inherited a most hideous gene called an ‘early riser’ from my husbands double helix!  Thankfully,  Hubby pays for his sins and gets up with the team at the unearthly hour of 5:30am allowing moi an extra hour of ‘zuzz’ time before the smell of java pulls me from my slumber.  However, this year I have to break the pattern and awaken with the sparrows as I ‘hop’ around the garden, in a half asleep state,  finding good hiding places for the precious choccie eggs!  I have heard that some Easter Bunnies hide their eggs before they go to sleep at night but unfortunately for me this is not an option due to a troop of monkeys that use our garden as part of their morning stroll!  Can you imagine the drama?  Monkeys whooping with joy as they swoop down from the trees, collecting the chocolate eggs, ripping them open and gorging themselves leaving my boys to wake up to a multicoloured lawn of just shiny papers?  An Easter nightmare!

So next Sunday morning, while you are all tucked up in bed, think of those who will be up at the crack of dawn keeping dream of the Easter Bunny and his chocolate eggs alive!